Todd Fiscal Court hears financial report, possibilities for November election

Todd Fiscal Court heard a report on the end of the fiscal year at Friday’s meeting and heard from county clerk Cindy O’Bryan on possibilities for the November general election.

Treasurer Tammy Robertson says Todd County had $200,000 more in cash balance on June 30 than it did one year ago.

She says increased expenses at the jail required a transfer of $660,000 from the general fund, the most to the jail since 2013.

Todd County Clerk Cindy O’Bryan says she’s preparing for a general election with less precincts similar to the primary, with hopes of opening as many as possible if the state will allow.

O’Bryan believes social distancing is possible at all of the traditional voting locations if she can find enough poll workers.

Magistrates accepted a bid from Com Care to continue providing ambulance service in Todd County at an increase of $705 monthly from last year.