The Todd County School System is gearing up for the upcoming school year, whatever form it may take, and the Fill the Bus campaign is underway and in need of help.
Community Education Director Katrena Smith says due to the COVID-19 pandemic there will not be a physical bus to fill this year, but they are still accepting donations of supplies, and requesting monetary donations if possible.
She says if you’re not comfortable donating money, they will still accept supplies at the Board of Education, including paper, glue sticks, pencils and other standard items.
Smith says how the items are distributed to students in need happens through the family resource center staff, who make sure things stay confidential and kids are ready for school.
Donations can be made at Board of Education at any time, but Smith asks that the majority of donations happen by the end of July, so they have plenty of time to gather the resources. She thanked the numerous people who either already donated, or are working to help take care of the students who will hopefully be returning to school in August.