Pickett enters guilty plea to DUI, reckless homicide charge diverted

Brandon Pickett, the man originally indicted with reckless homicide in connection with the death of a woman who fell from a vehicle in 2018, entered a guilty plea to DUI in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday.

The reckless homicide charge is being diverted, according to Circuit Judge Andrew Self, who accepted Pickett’s guilty plea to DUI in the case.

The plea deal came with a 30 day sentence, but Judge Self says Pickett served that and more on an ankle monitor, so he will serve a year of unsupervised probation—the reckless homicide charge was diverted for three years.

It also comes with a $500 fee in court costs, along with a $375 fine for the DUI. Pickett must also take some type of counseling courses for alcohol use.  Pickett and Trina Akin of Trigg County had reportedly been drinking together in August 2018 at a residence on Striped Bridge Road when they got into a Jeep without doors to travel to Pickett’s home nearby.

Pickett was operating the vehicle when he navigated a curve and Akin was reportedly not wearing a seat belt and fell out of the vehicle. She was pronounced deceased at Jennie Stuart Medical Center.