A Hopkinsville firefighter was the first to take solo flight as part of Austin Peay State University’s aviation science program.
According to a news release, Ryan Erb operated and took flight Monday morning in a Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter at the Clarksville Regional Airport. Austin Peay State University’s new aviation science program launched last year as the state’s first helicopter flight school that awards bachelor’s degrees.
Other students in the class will take their solo flights soon and by the time they complete the course, they’ll have had more than 165 hours in flight. Erb says, “It’s been challenging. There’s definitely nothing easy about trying to fly a helicopter. I’ve always been told there’s no such thing as a natural-born helicopter pilot. I’ve learned a lot. And there’s a lot to learn.”
By earning the bachelor’s degree, students can pursue careers including flight instruction, aerial tourism and charter operations.