League hosts City Council debates

Candidates for Hopkinsville City Council who are on the primary election ballot were featured in debates by the League of Women Voters Thursday.

Democrat incumbent Ward 1 Councilman Darvin Adams faced former councilman Thomas Grant in the first forum that was contentious at times.

Adams called Grant a “poor leader” and asserted that little was accomplished for Ward 1 during his time on council.

Grant cited several projects completed during his tenure and said residents of Ward 1 who are unhappy with Adams asked him to run again.

On the subject of violent crime in the city, Councilman Adams says it will take a response from a number of stakeholders in the community to really address the issue. Grant noted the city purchased body cams for the police department to protect the officers and the community during his time on council and believes police reform measures are needed.

The winner of the primary will face Republican Natasha Francis in November.

In Ward 6, Democrats Kenneth Hatzakorzian and Paula Knight are meeting in the primary to determine who faces Republican Councilman Travis Martin in November.

On the use of tax incentives to attract industries to Hopkinsville, Hatzakorzian says they’re sometimes necessary, but they would have to be economically worthwhile in the future for him to support those measures.

Knight would like to see incentive opportunities offered to small businesses that are struggling, but believes some version of an incentive is often necessary to keep an industry from choosing another community.

Both candidates would support non-partisan elections in Hopkinsville as long as the ward representation is maintained.

In Ward 7, the primary is between Republicans Dustin Gilbert and Richard Covington, and the winner will go on to face incumbent Democrat Terry Parker in the general election.  Neither candidate was available to participate in Thursday’s forum.

The candidates facing off in a primary in Ward 9 are incumbent Democrat Patricia Bell and challenger Ardell Owens.

On the subject of raising taxes during times of crisis for a limited time—such as a natural disaster—Owens says he could agree to raising taxes some to benefit the city.

Bell says she is very much against raising any taxes, unless it was for a dire need.

Both candidates agreed that the city is responsible to assist the homeless population, with Owen saying it is one of the greatest struggles the city currently faces—Bell says the biggest issue is the COVID-19 pandemic, which both feel is still very much present.

The final debate forum of the day was set to be between Ward 10 Republican challengers Steve Keel and Robert Almy but Almy was not present for the debate.

Keel was given a few minutes to discuss his stances, and why he would be the best choice for the people of Ward 10.

The winner of that primary will go on to face Democratic incumbent Jimmy Dossett in the November general election.  The primary election is on June 23 this year, with mail-in ballots available to be requested until June 15, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Full videos below from City of Hopkinsville Facebook:

Ward 1 Darvin Adams vs. Thomas Grant


Ward 6 Ken Hatzakorzian vs. Paula Knight


Ward 9 Patricia Bell vs. Ardell Owens


Steve Keel’s statement
