Local consultant talks marketing during coronavirus outbreak

Businesses both big and small across the country have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, and a local man is giving guidance on ways to make the best of a tough situation.

Nigel Green is an independent consultant who says he’s committed to building best-in-class sales teams—he’s also an author and a Rotarian. He says his clients, and other businesses, are understandably concerned for the future, but there are ways to build on existing clientele and hold onto them.

Many people have encouraged people to buy gift cards to support local businesses and Green says that’s a good idea that can be incentivized even further.

Green has also written a book about what he considers best marketing practices called Revenue Harvest.  As the coronavirus situation evolves, businesses will consider different ways of making it to the other side and be able to return to normal quickly.

You can listen to the whole interview below: