The City of Hopkinsville is one of 22 finalists to become an All-American City in 2020 by the National Civic League.
According to a news release, the award celebrates and recognizes villages, towns, cities, counties, tribes and regions that engage residents in innovative, inclusive and effective efforts to tackle critical challenges. This year, the award is targeted at highlighting exemplary projects and work to enhance community health and well-being through inclusive civic engagement.
Mayor Wendell Lynch says, “This award is the result of exciting, strategic collaboration among our entire community. Specifically, it highlights our efforts as Eclipseville for the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse, Hoptown-Christian County WINS initiatives, substance abuse recovery efforts of Grace & Mercy, community vision planning, downtown revitalization, community development and much more.”
The finalist communities will compete this June to be recognized as one of ten All-America Cities for 2020.