Lyon County man is first area COVID-19 patient

A 69-year old Lyon County man has become western Kentucky’s first confirmed COVID-19 patient.

Governor Andy Beshear made the announcement during his afternoon news conference Tuesday, bringing the overall total of cases in the commonwealth to 26. No other information on the Lyon County patient was given.

He also announced an executive order closing all public-facing businesses that cannot comply with social distancing directives by 5 p.m. Wednesday. Those locations would include gyms, hair salons, nail salons and theaters—among others.

There are exceptions for certain businesses deemed necessary including groceries, hardware stores, manufacturing facilities, pharmacies, banks, post offices, food processing plants, agriculture-related activity and gas stations.

The governor is also ordering all adult day care facilities to close, effective March 20.

He acknowledged the online and phone systems used to file for unemployment have failed at times, but assured those looking to apply that they will be taken care of and that their application will be submitted for the dates they are due benefits.

The General Assembly has continued to convene, despite CDC directives to avoid congregations of more than 10 people, and the governor urged them to either adjourn immediately and wait for a special session solely called for a budget or pass a budget now and adjourn.

He asked Kentuckians who have planned weddings to have gatherings of only a few family members and friends, or postpone. The governor says funerals should also only include close family and friends now and that families should consider a larger memorial service after concerns about COVID-19 have passed.

He again stressed the importance of good hygiene and consistent and thorough handwashing practices as the best way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.