Comer discusses COVID-19, response

Congressman James Comer says there are likely far more cases of coronavirus in Kentucky than have been confirmed and he’s hopeful to see the availability of testing expand soon.

Appearing live on the WHOP Early Bird Show Tuesday morning, Congressman Comer said he’s spoken with hospital administrators across his western Kentucky congressional district and learned that it’s taking about five days for COVID-19 tests that are available to be processed.

Coronavirus has hit elderly patients the hardest—especially those over 60 who have pre-exiting health conditions. Many younger patients can be asymptomatic while also spreading the illness to the most vulnerable.

Congressman Comer says there’s much that’s still unknown about COVID-19 and he’d like to see drive-thru testing available in places like Hopkinsville.

Comer believes Kentucky has taken measures as extreme as any other state in the country. He has sympathy for small businesses that will be devastated by forced closures, but says we’ll probably never know for sure if the actions by state and federal officials were too extreme.

He expects to be called back to Washington, D.C. soon to begin work on a third bill to help provide relief to those impacted by the crisis and to boost a devastated economy. Congressman Comer believes President Trump has done a good job responding to the pandemic.

Listen to interview below:

Segment 1

Segment 2