Legislators say changes to General Assembly calendar was right move

The Kentucky General Assembly postponed activity Friday and this coming Monday due to COVID-19 concerns and while there could be additional changes to the calendar going forward, the constitution restricts just how much legislators can postpone.

State Senator Whitney Westerfield says the decision regarding those two days was the right thing to do.

While there is a little wiggle room in the calendar, Westerfield notes the state constitution dictates they can only meet 60 separate days and they must conclude by April 15.

Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke is encouraging his constituents to be sure all of the information they are receiving on coronavirus comes from reputable sources and to heed the advice of experts to practice good hand-washing.

You can hear local lawmakers discuss this and more during our weekly Legislative Update program Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.