Montgomery Co. school closed Friday, suspected COVID-19 case confirmed negative

Moore magnet school of the Clarksville-Montgomery county school system closed early Thursday due to a suspected case of coronavirus that has been confirmed negative.

According to a news release, students were released at 11 a.m. due to the suspected case, which is has since been confirmed to be negative.  Children were sent home four hours early and were provided with sack lunches. Effective immediately, all school or district-sponsored travel on for-hire transportation for students and employees will be suspended through April 8.

The Clarksville-Montgomery county school system will be closed Friday, March 13—custodians will be on hand to continue the two step cleaning process. In details released from CMCSS, student absences will be excused without need of a doctor’s note through April 8.

The Montgomery County case was suspected and has since been confirmed to be negative.  There have been no confirmed cases yet in Christian and Todd counties.