CCPS accepting kindergarten early entrance petitions

Parents of children who aren’t yet old enough to enter kindergarten by the April 24 registration date but would like their child to attend, have a chance to enter their child into Christian County Public Schools early.

According to a news release, the standard birthday cutoff date for kindergarten is August 1. This means that incoming kindergarten students must have turned five years old before or by August 1 to enroll in school for the 2020-2021school year. However, due to a large number of requests for early entrance, CCPS has developed a policy that will allow parents to petition the school system for their child’s early entrance into kindergarten.

The deadline for written requests is March 31.  Some of guidelines include to request a petition form for early entrance from your child’s zoned school and on the form parents should state reasons and child’s age for early entrance. Then contact the school to schedule a time to for the student to take the Brigance Assessment—this assessment is taken by the child to determine student’s readiness for entry into school.

The petition and assessment are then reviewed by the district’s Early Entrance Committee and the guardian is later notified of the decision to approve or deny early enrollment.

For more information about the process, contact the Christian County Public School System at 270-887-7000, or go online to the school system website.