Bids are still being accepted for the Burgers for Books silent auction fundraiser to benefit the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library.
Those interested in both eating the first burger off the grill of the newly rebuilt Ferrell’s Snappy Service and helping the library have until Tuesday to make their final bids. Elyssa Parks with the library says those interested in bidding—which had reached $500 as of Friday morning—can go to the library to do so, and money raised will go towards renovation of their patio balcony area.
The winner of the silent auction will get the “VIP experience” will take place on Thursday, following the Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting. The renovation project is the public service initiative of this year’s Leadership Hopkinsville class.
On Monday, library goers will get a chance to meet with Steve Gorman of the Black Crowes—and Hopkinsville native—from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
For more information about both events, contact the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library at 270-887-4262.