City bids farewell to mayor, assistant as they step into new roles

The City of Hopkinsville bid farewell to outgoing Mayor Carter Hendricks Friday afternoon with a reception, as he steps down as mayor to begin his role as director of the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council.

Hendricks says it’s a bittersweet feeling, as he’s enjoyed his time leading the city and will miss the many friends he’s made and working with the City of Hopkinsville team.

He says he has few regrets about his time in office, and he’s truly appreciated the support the community has given him in his years as mayor.

He’s not the only one the city is bidding good luck and farewell, as Idalia Luna—who served as the Mayor’s Assistant—leaves that post to be the executive director of the local Human Rights Commission.

Luna says she’s honored to have been chosen to serve and is eager to begin.

Hopkinsville City Council will be tasked with choosing an interim mayor following Hendricks’ departure. That interim would serve until a new mayor is elected during the November general election.