The Kentucky New Era is celebrating two milestones—150 years of service to the community and moving back to downtown Hopkinsville.
A ribbon cutting was held Friday morning to make the move official, as they leave behind the building that had housed the paper for years on East Ninth Street. The new offices face the Hopkinsville Municipal Building and Publisher Brandon Cox says the building they chose to move into was home to several things before becoming the paper’s new base of operations.
He says the paper is glad to be back downtown—only a few feet away from their original location—and he also says the location makes it easy for them to keep a friendly eye on city government.
Cox says a local paper is of vital importance to a community, as those who work there are also community members.
A long list of people and businesses were thanked for their partnership in the move and renovations to get the Kentucky New Era back downtown. The Kentucky New Era is now owned by the Paxton Media Group.