A group of citizens lined Main Street near the Courthouse Annex in Hopkinsville Monday afternoon to demand that Christian County Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling resign after he recently wrote a letter to former Governor Matt Bevin in support of Dayton Jones.
Jones was convicted for his role in the November, 2014 sexual assault of an unconscious 15-year old male at a party on Lafayette Road. His sentence was commuted to time served in the final hours of Bevin’s administration and media outlets recently obtained a letter written by Boling on his office letterhead that claimed Jones had been swept up in a political conspiracy and that the case “didn’t pass the smell test.”
Tammy Mason of Trigg County organized the protest and says the politically charged letter written on behalf of Jones is too much to forgive.
Boling sent out a statement last week admitting that the letter was poorly written, but asserted it was his intent to only convey the thoughts of Jones’ grandparents and not his own. He says he believes all four of the defendants in the case should have been punished severely and consistently.
Speaking to WHOP News Monday, Boling said he has apologized for sending the letter and intends to earn back the trust of the community.
Jones was recently indicted by an Oldham County grand jury for promoting contraband and for being a persistent felony offender in the second-degree. A prosecutor there alleges he had the prescription drug Suboxone in his prison cell.