Ky. Senate president calls for federal investigation into ‘extreme pardons’

Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers is calling for a federal investigation into pardons issued by Governor Matt Bevin during his final days in office.

Bevin has drawn criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike for issuing pardons and commutations to convicted murderers and sex offenders.

In a statement sent out Friday afternoon President Stivers says, “From what we know of former Governor Bevin’s extreme pardons and commutations, the Senate Republican Majority condemns his actions as a travesty and perversion of justice.”

He continues, “Our citizens, and especially the crime victims and their families, deserve better.”

Stivers concludes by saying the Republican majority supports the gathering of facts and calls upon the U.S. Attorney’s office to launch an investigation into former Governor Bevin’s pardons.

State Senator Whitney Westerfield sent out a tweet, saying he fully agrees with Senator Stivers’ statement.