It was a full agenda at Tuesday’s Hopkinsville City Council meeting, where council approved a change to the Ambulance Service Contract that Fire Chief Steve Futrell says will benefit the department.
The change will allow Hopkinsville Fire and EMS to hire EMS staff that are not also trained as firefighters—in the past, every EMT or paramedic was also cross-trained for the fire department. Chief Futrell says the change will not only benefit the department financially, but also help with employee retention for future hires.
He says the option will still be available for someone to do both and they’re looking to hire approximately 10 new personnel starting out.
Also approved was an ordinance creating new job positions and pay grades for those EMS related positions that will be available.
In other action, council voted to approve turning the temporary four-way stop at Pyle Lane and Millbrooke Drive into a permanent one. Construction of the new bridge on Millbrooke wrapped up recently, but Mayor Hendricks says the creation of the four-way stop would continue to help traffic flow smoothly in the area.
Also approved was an amendment to the smoking on public property ordinance—it will contain language including “electronic smoking devices” and also prohibits smoking in or within a close proximity to a Hopkinsville Transit System shelter.
City council recognized those who participated in the Distinguished Young Women of Christian County and new Hopkinsville Police Office Patrick Linane was sworn in.