Resolution possible in 2015 Calvin Drive murder case

The man charged in the 2015 shooting death of Justin Fish has two weeks to decide whether he will accept a plea deal or go to trial, after a mental evaluation report has come back in.

David Markle appeared in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday along with public defender Rick Sanborn, who informed the court that he has received the report back from the mental health professional who conducted an examination of Markle.  He requested a two week continuance to give Markle time to look over the report and come to a decision about what he wants to do next.

Circuit Judge Andrew Self granted the continuance, saying that when they return in two weeks they will either have a resolution or set a new trial date.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling says there’s nothing in the report that says Markle isn’t competent to stand trial or to accept a plea deal.

Trial in this case has been delayed multiple times for different reasons, including changing attorneys, waiting on evidence and mental health evaluations.  Markle is charged with murder in the death of Fish at a Calvin Drive apartment in 2015, where he allegedly knocked on the door of the apartment and then shot Fish when he opened the door.