Christian Fiscal Court talks advocacy, policies

Christian County magistrates made quick work of the agenda at Tuesday’s meeting of the Christian Fiscal Court.

Magistrate Phillip Peterson presided over the meeting in the absence of Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam—first up for approval for amendment to the county’s agreement with the Christian County Health Department. Peterson says the amendment will allow for full-time employees of the Christian County Animal Shelter to receive vaccination against rabies, if they choose to do so.

That amendment was approved unanimously. Magistrates also approved an executive order that clarifies when and where fiscal court meetings are held, to get the Fiscal Court in compliance with their administrative code.

Magistrate Russ Guffey highlighted magistrate’s recent advocacy efforts in Washington D.C. on behalf of Fort Campbell, and he says the believed the trip went well.

In other action, magistrates declared several items as surplus from the Christian County Road Department and approved an incentive for Magistrate Peterson.