Fiscal Court approves bids for Sheriff’s Department storage facility, hears reports

Christian Fiscal Court paved the way for an evidence storage facility for the Sheriff’s Department to be built while hearing reports and updates at Tuesday morning’s meeting. 

Christian County Regional Animal Shelter Director Melissa Goff gave the monthly report and in the month of January, the shelter took in 364 animals with 235 getting adopted in the same month.

As part of a recent consultation with an animal shelter veterinarian, Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam says they are currently discussing the feasibility of a Trap, Neuter, Release program in the county to humanely reign in the feral cat population.

Magistrates were full of praise for the Christian County Road Department and their efforts on county roads following recent snow fall—but Magistrate John Bruce was not as pleased with the effort on state roads. He says as of Saturday, state roads in north Christian were still icy and snow covered, and that’s too long to go unaddressed by the state, who is responsible for them.

Magistrates approved second-reading of a budget amendment that makes way for additional dollars from grants thee county was awarded, and approved the acceptance of a bid that would allow for an evidence storage building to be constructed for the Christian County Sheriff’s Department.

Magistrates also approved a lease approval for sheriff vehicles a loan agreement with the Hopkinsville Industrial Foundation.