KCTCS teams up with Feeding Kentucky to address food insecurity

The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) partnered with Feeding Kentucky at the eighth annual Serving Up Solutions on Thursday to address food insecurity in the state.  

Feeding Kentucky is a nonprofit that focuses on supporting food banks across the state. On Thursday, the nonprofit and KCTCS came together to raise money for food banks and the food pantries at all 16 KCTCS food pantries.

At the event, KCTCS President, Ryan Quarles says they know students can’t learn if they are hungry, regardless of whether they are K-12 students or college students like the more than 100,000 who attend their colleges.

According to a study conducted by the college system, 48% of KCTCS students who responded reported that they didn’t know where their next meal was coming from. Feeding Kentucky also reports that around one in six Kentuckians are suffering from food insecurity and almost 16% don’t know where their next meal will come from.

Attendees at Serving Up Solutions raised over $50,000 to support Kentucky food pantries.

Photo courtesy of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System