City of Hopkinsville accepting bids for demolition of old Roller Dome building

The City of Hopkinsville is officially accepting bids for the future demolition of the building that was, for a long time, the Roller Dome. 

According to documents from the City of Hopkinsville and Hopkinsville Surface and Stormwater Utility, the structure that was the Roller Dome and located at 1230 Skyline Drive is slated for demolition, with the building designated as a Flood Prone Commercial Structure.

Bids will be accepted until October 22, where they will then be publicly opened and read aloud. 

The Roller Dome was a longtime staple for Hopkinsville families, providing a skating rink, arcade and play-area for many years, before it was sold and made into an event venue that kept the skating rink alive for a while longer.  It has since become property of the City of Hopkinsville.