Hopkinsville nonprofit Teen Talk serves to mentor local youth

Teen Talk is a nonprofit that focuses on mentoring local youth and connecting them to educational and employment resources. On Friday, members of the nonprofit played a game of basketball against officers from the Hopkinsville Police Department.

Teen Talk was founded by Brittanie Bogard and nonprofit Mentor, Heather Hayes says the organization was initially a court-ordered program for children in the judicial system and it has since opened to teenagers who need some guidance.  

The nonprofit has weekly meetings where members hear from community guest speakers. In the past members of the Christian County Health Department, the police department and other local agencies have talked with teenagers about what they do in the community as well as how they can get involved. During meetings, Hayes says they also take some time to talk to members about any problems they may be facing.

Hayes says Friday’s basketball game against the police department was a chance for them to build a better connection with local law enforcement.

Team Teen Talk came out on top against the police department, winning the game at 58-to-29.