Mistrial declared on second day of Sharpe Street murder trial

Trial has ended in a sudden mistrial in the murder case against Cortez Hairston Jr. after an outburst in Christian Circuit Court Tuesday morning at the start of the second day. 

It’s unclear what the outburst was, but it came from audience members not long after the jury took their seats for the day.  Whatever it was, the defense was concerned that it would impact the jury and keep them from making an unbiased, objective verdict, so they requested a mistrial. 

With agreement from the Commonwealth, Judge John Atkins declared a mistrial and thanked the jury for their willingness to serve, saying this matter will come before the court again soon.   

After the jury was dismissed, the judge made it clear to both parties that he wants it clarified in the court file exactly why this mistrial occurred, and then he set it for a new trial date of October 21.

Hairston is charged with murder for the fatal shooting death of Adrian Acree on Sharpe Street in 2021. Along with Hairston, Jaila Sherrod and Dekorian Daniel were also arrested for reportedly helping Hairston carry out the shooting.

Sherrod has since entered a guilty plea to facilitation to murder and tampering with physical evidence. Daniel is charged with complicity to murder and his case has yet to be resolved.