Extended summer for CCPS goes a little longer, school preparations in full swing

As students in surrounding districts begin the process of returning to school, students in Christian County have just a little longer left to enjoy their summer, with school set to start on August 26.

That little bit of extra time was to allow for the completion of renovations and rearranging of some schools into their new buildings—with Hopkinsville Middle School moving to the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary campus and Indian Hills Elementary moving to the HMS building—but Superintendent Chris Bentzel says they’ve received a lot of positive feedback about the extended break.  He says they’ll do some surveys to see if a longer summer is something the community would want in the future.

Before then however, Bentzel says they’re looking forward to the start of the school year, with plenty of open houses, Jumpstart events and more in the works, with online registration still open for any stragglers.

Work continues apace at the site of the future consolidated Christian County High School, and Bentzel says they hope to have the freshman academy portion of the building complete soon, and then they could start work on the gymnasium.

You can find a full year schedule on the Christian County Public Schools website, which is where you can also find online registration, school supply lists, details on student events and more.