Sharpe Street murder trial gets underway in Circuit Court

Trial for murder suspect Cortez Hairston Jr. got underway in Christian Circuit Court with opening statements on Monday.

Hairston is charged with murder for the fatal shooting death of Adrian Acree on Sharpe Street in 2021. Along with Hairston, Jaila Sherrod and Dekorian Daniel were also arrested for reportedly helping Hairston carry out the shooting.

In January, Sherrod pled guilty to facilitation of murder and tampering with physical evidence. Daniel is charged with complicity to murder and his case has yet to be resolved.

On Monday, Special Prosecutor, Zac Greenwell started his opening state by creating a timeline of what led to Acree’s murder. According to Greenwell, Acree was arrested for drug charges and accused Hairston of providing information to the police.

Greenwell said Hairston announced he would harm anyone calling him a rat which reportedly led to him recruiting Sherrod and Daniel to help him murder Acree.

When Sherrod pled guilty to the amended charges earlier in the year, it came with the condition that she testify in the trials of her co-defendants. Hairston’s Defense Attorney, Rob Eggert says the commonwealth’s case is based on assumptions, hearsay and testimonies from Sherrod, who he refers to as a liar.

Eggert maintains that Hairston is innocent. Greenwell says the evidence and the information from the investigation points to Hairston being guilty of murder.

Following opening statements, the first witness was called to the stand.