Rep. Comer recognizes local students for successful internships

Representative James Comer recognized three local students, Allie Fort, Colin Harris, and Ella Lester for the completion of their summer internships at his office in Washington, DC.

Fort and Lester are both Christian County natives currently pursuing their undergraduate degrees. Fort is a student at the University of Kentucky and a member of the Lewis honors college and Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Lester is a student at the University of Alabama, part of the UA Honors program and member of the Chi Omega Sorority.

Harris is a native of Taylor County. He is pursuing his undergraduate degree from Campbellsville University, where he is a part of the archery team and theater troupe.

The three spent nearly two months in Washington providing office assistance, researching legislative issues and answering constituent inquiries. Upon the completion of their internship, Representative Comer provided glowing reviews of their time in his office. He thanked them for the time they spent assisting him, his staff, and the people of Kentucky. He looks forward to seeing their future endeavors and believes they have a bright future ahead of them.

The three students expressed their gratitude for being a part of the internship, and were thankful for the learning and career opportunities it provided.

Story by Reporter Jordan Spaulding