Fiscal Court approves resolutions, hears updates on storm shelters, voting

Christian Fiscal Court approved several resolutions at Tuesday morning’s meeting and heard an update on a storm shelter project and the upcoming primary election. 

The primary election is set for May 21st in Kentucky, but before that day, Christian County Clerk Melinda Humphries says there’s still time to request a mail-in absentee ballot is May 7—then for early voting in the three days leading up to the day itself, the early voting location typically located at the Bruce Convention Center will instead be at Southside Church of Christ.

The Bruce Convention Center will still be a voting location on May 21.

Humphries also gave a quick update on the new vehicle registration and renewal system, saying there’s been a delay in the April renewal reminder cards, but they’ll be going out soon.

Christian County Emergency Management Director Randy Graham says Christian County has been awarded a $1.3 million grant to begin the design phase into a program that will one day bring numerous storm shelters to individual communities in the county.

Magistrates approved a resolution to remove Davis Road from the county’s road plan and a resolution to accept Jago Thomas Road into the road plan, bringing it under the county’s responsibilities. 

Then, they also approved a resolution between Fiscal Court, the City of Hopkinsville and the City of Oak Grove to pave the way for updating and expanding the radio system that first responders utilize locally.