Two teens charged following theft of vehicle in Lyon County

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the theft of a vehicle and a crash in Eddyville from last Monday. 

According to the news release, deputies were investigating the theft of a vehicle from a residence in Eddyville on Knob Street around 2:30 a.m. The vehicle was driven to several locations in the southern half of the county before it was involved in a collision on KY 903 near the county line.

Two juveniles, a 15-year-old male and a 16-year-old female, were medical cleared at the Caldwell County Medical Center and then taken into custody. They are charged with theft by unlawful taking of an automobile over $10,000.

A third minor passenger was also taken to the hospital for treatment, but is not facing criminal charges at this time.  This is reportedly the second stolen vehicle in a ten day period involving the other two teenagers