Legislators talk concerns, goals as the Senate considers a budget

As the Senate considers the House version of the budget that has made its way to its chambers, local legislators continue to focus on priorities they’d like to see happen this session of the Kentucky General Assembly. 

Senator Whitney Westerfield says he continues to push for his Consumer Data Privacy Bill to get a hearing in committee, as he believes that is a vital issue that needs to be addressed in some form—but right now, he’s afraid it may be stuck waiting on a hearing. 

Something that he finds very concerning is a recent report on the state of the Department of Juvenile Justice showing that conditions remain in poor shape, and he’s unsure what the legislature can do from here that they haven’t already done.  He thinks it’s going to take a complete overhaul of the system to get the issues under control.

Representative Myron Dossett says he’s filing a bill to make to so that any tradesman or worker that comes to Kentucky in a time of crisis do not have to pay an income tax while working here.

He has filed and passed that bill before, but this version would make it a permanent fixture in the Commonwealth. 

Representative Walker Thomas says he’s eager to see what a fleshed-out version of the Road Plan might look like, and he has hopes that local projects may be in there.

The Road Plan lays out what projects related to infrastructure and transportation may receive funding in the coming years, and all legislators are undoubtedly vying for their projects to get the approval. 

The General Assembly reconvenes on Monday.