Traffic stop results in drug, minor endangerment arrest

Officers from the Hopkinsville Police Department performed a traffic stop on Monday which resulted in the arrest of Kimberly Wyatt on Hopkinsville for drug possession and the endangerment of a minor.

According to a report from police, Wyatt was operating a vehicle around East 7th Street when an officer noticed that the vehicle’s registration was expired and performed a traffic stop on Wyatt.

Once stopped, Officers requested Wyatt’s driver’s license, but she was only able to produce an instructional permit. Officer’s then requested information from Wyatt’s passenger which reportedly led to officers finding that Wyatt and her passenger had an emergency protective order against one another which mandated that they have no contact with one another.

Officer’s then asked Wyatt to exit the vehicle and reported that they could smell the odor of marijuana coming from her person. According to the report a search led to marijuana being found in her bra and in her purse and a search of her car yielded several narcotics along with her infant granddaughter who was sat in the backseat.

Wyatt was charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, possession of marijuana, violation of a state emergency protection order and having no registration plates.