Local Kiwanis Club invites community to pancake breakfast

The Hopkinsville Kiwanis Club is inviting the community to their all you can eat pancake breakfast in February with the purpose of raising funds that will go toward their mission of supporting children in the community.

The pancake breakfast is an annual fundraiser the club hosts to be able to continue their work in the community. Kiwanis President, Toby Hudson and President Elect Nikki Chambers say the funds raised from past pancake breakfasts have gone toward their warm the children initiative, scholarships and much more.

Hudson and Chambers encourage that community to join them and Chambers says they also have breakfast sponsors and are looking for more.  

Along with pancakes they will have breakfast sausages, milk, juice and coffee available. The pancake breakfast is on February 3 at the Hopkinsville War Memorial Building from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and tickets are $7 and can be bought at the door or from any Kiwanis Club member. More information regarding the breakfast can be found at Kiwanis of Hopkinsville on Facebook.