Sharpe Street murder suspect pleads guilty to facilitation

Jaila Sherrod, one of the three individuals arrested in relation to the shooting death of Adrian Acree in 2021 appeared in Christian County Circuit Court on Friday where she pled guilty to her involvement in Acree’s death.

Sherrod was originally arrested on charges of complicity to murder, but in court, special prosecutor Zac Greenwell shared that her charges had been amended to facilitation of murder and tampering with physical evidence, both which come with a maximum sentence of five years each and he opposes any form of probation.

A part of his offer, Greenwell says Sherrod would be required to testify in the trials of her co-defendants Cortez Hairston Jr. and Dekorian Daniel. If any of the information she brings forth during those testimonies is found to be false, Greenwell says Sherrod’s charge of complicity to murder will be reinstated.

After Greenwell shared his offer, Circuit Court Judge John Atkins asked Sherrod if she pled guilty to which she did.  

Sherrod faces up to ten years behind bars and will receive final sentencing on April 9.