Foundation launches to support Christian County Public Schools

To further invest in the education of students in the district and create more opportunities for them, the Christian County Public Schools Education Foundation was launched at the Champions of Education Luncheon on Tuesday.

The Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit independent from the school system, but is set to support the needs of students and educators. At the luncheon members of the foundation board and public school employees presented the launch to members of the community.

Foundation board member, Tracy Pelletier says she and her fellow board members had their first meeting in January of 2023 to create the nonprofit after seeing that 47 other school districts in the state have fundraising foundations.

Along with launching the foundation, District Superintendent, Chris Bentzel highlighted his experience so far as superintendent and the plan for schools in the county moving forward. Bentzel spotlighted the construction of the consolidated Christian County High School and the planned expansion of the gifted program and advanced placement classes.

Bentzel shared that over the course of his work in education system he has learned that it is important to lean on and work with the community. Bentzel says the school system can not solve all of their problems alone when it comes to preparing today’s youth for the future.

With the launch of the foundation Bentzel says they are ready to work with the community so that together they can invest in students and move the needle in Christian County.

Concluding the luncheon, foundation board member Bill Munday, says it was essential for them to establish a foundation. Munday says in comparison to other school districts across the state, Christian County is of lower income resulting in schools receiving less revenue.

Munday says the money donated to the foundation will be spent well.