Local legislators discuss Kentucky Safer Act

The Kentucky Safer Act will likely go before the Kentucky General Assembly for consideration this session, and local legislators says there are things they like about it and things that still need work. 

State Representative Myron Dossett calls it a work in progress, but says the goal is to make the state safer for the citizens, trying to address issues that affect all corners of the Commonwealth.

Representative Walker Thomas says along with the ‘three-strike’ system for those who are convicted of three violent crimes—which would come with an automatic life in prison sentence if the bill were approved—it also adjusts some misdemeanor charges.

State Senator Whitney Westerfield says there are things he doesn’t care for in the bill in its current form, such as the definition of ‘car jacking’, as he thinks it’s too similar to the language defining first-degree robbery that already exists.

The Kentucky Safer Act will undoubtedly see many amendments as it works its way through the House and the Senate, and may not even be the only bill of its type to be filed in the coming weeks.