Elder abuse suspect undergoes financial audit

Elder abuse suspect, Ann Harrison of Oak Grove appeared in Christian Circuit Court on Wednesday where her case was continued as an audit of her financial accounts is being prepared.

Harrison was arrested in connection to the death of 70-year-old Anthony Gilstrap who she was responsible for taking care of. Harrison is facing charges of murder, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Harrison’s Defense Attorney, Stephanie Mize says an audit report concerning around $80,000 is being prepared and she hopes to have it complete in the next 30 days. The audit will be addressing the charges of exploitation Harrison faces.

An investigator from attorney Doug Moore’s office is assisting with the audit. Once the audit is complete, Mize says she believes her and Commonwealth’s Attorney, Maureen Leamy will be able to come to an agreement that avoids a trial.

Leamy says she still needs time to go over the facts of the case along with the upcoming audit report.

Circuit Court Judge Andrew Self set a pretrial conference for March 20.