City Council focuses on rezoning efforts, police award recognitions

The Hopkinsville City Council accepted district recommendations from Community and Development Services (CDS), approved zoning ordinances and recognized members of the Hopkinsville Police Department at their special called meeting on Monday.

Before council members focused on zoning efforts, they heard from Hopkinsville Police Chief Jason Newby who presented awards to officers for the team work in response to challenging incidents.

Newby presented Jeremy Davidson, Andrew Patino, Adam Robertson, Nina Wright, Jonathon Sholar and Tyler Hancock with a distinguished group award for their response to a public suicide threat on September 12. Newby says the group was able to deescalate the matter and take the subject into custody.

Along with the distinguished group award, Newby presented Jeremiah Kline and Shaun Moore with the lifesaving award for their response to a dog attack that occurred on December 18. Newby says the pair acted quickly to ensure the victim would not suffer any further injuries.

Following department awards, council members heard from CDS Executive Director, Tom Britton regarding a zoning request for single family residential district for 14 parcels along Canton Pike and Major Lane. Britton says the recommendation coincides with the area’s development patterns.

The council forwarded the recommendation to the City Clerk where it will be voted on as an ordinance at a future meeting.

Continuing with zoning, the council approved for properties located on Pyle Lane and Canton Pike to be zoned a general business district on second reading and approved for properties located on Lafayette Road to be rezoned from a neighborhood business district to a general business district on first reading.