Numerous bills up for consideration this session of Ky. General Assembly

The second week of the Kentucky General Assembly gets underway Monday afternoon and while there’s no budget to consider just yet, there’s still plenty of bills to keep legislators busy. 

There was a flurry of filing in the first week, and that included bills from local legislators Senator Whitney Westerfield and Representatives Myron Dossett and Walker Thomas. Representative Thomas says he’s once again putting forth his effort to make military pensions tax exempt in Kentucky, but he’s also hopeful that a bill designed to increase the number of cybersecurity experts in the state will get approval.

Representative Dossett says he and other local legislators are pushing hard at the state level to address traffic issues and hazards at the interception of Pyle Lane and Canton Pike, saying something must be done about it.

Senator Westerfield has two big pieces of legislation up for consideration this year—a bill to support mothers-to-be and their unborn babies, in the effort of providing them the support they need to not get an abortion, and also his Consumer Privacy Bill, saying he thinks some version of both probably has support.  He says as long as some meaningful version of those bills get passed, he would be happy.

There will undoubtedly be even more bills filed in the coming weeks, as the House has until February 26 to file bills and the Senate has until February 28. They then have until April 15 to get any bills they can passed, including a two-year spending plan for the Commonwealth.