Gov. looking to expand medical marijuana qualifying conditions, regulations

Legalized medical marijuana may not come into effect in Kentucky until 2025, but Governor Andy Beshear is already looking to expand who can be prescribed it and how it will operate.

During last week’s Team Kentucky update, Governor Beshear unveiled a lengthy list of conditions and illnesses that would qualify someone to received medical marijuana, saying the list was crafted by two independent advisory boards, who say individuals suffering with those conditions could greatly benefit from being included.

The Beshear administration filed ten new regulations, which provide direction for how medical cannabis businesses, including cultivators, processors, producers, dispensaries and safety compliance facilities, will operate in the commonwealth.

Beshear says it is a critical step, and his administration is requesting the General Assembly approve the expanding qualifiers and regulations this session.

The program team has also launched an interactive cannabis business zoning tool, which will be hosted on its website. The law prohibits cannabis businesses from locating their business within 1,000 feet of a primary or secondary school or daycare and allows local governments to issue additional zoning restrictions.