School board reelects board chairs, approves school year calendar

The Christian County School Board reelected their Board Chairman and Vice Chairman, approved the calendar for the 2024-2025 school year and hosted their inaugural student showcase at their Thursday workshop meeting.

Once Thursday’s meeting was called to order the board nominated Tom Bell to reprise his role as Board Chairman and for Lindsey Clark to reprise his role as Vice Chairman. Bell thanked the board for the opportunity to continue his role as Board Chairman for another year.

Moving into their presentations, the board received a student showcase hearing from high schoolers about their experiences at the recent Kentucky Youth Assembly. KYA is a state program that allows students to learn more about civics as they act as a model government.

Students from Hopkinsville High School shared their experiences from KYA and that they passed a bill into law under the model government that focuses on prison reform that would focus on addressing mental health, addiction and overall rehabilitation.

Students from Christian County High School also shared their experiences from KYA and the bill they made that was passed into law in the model government was a crown act that would prohibit discrimination based on hair styling in schools and the workplace.

Assistant Superintendent, Jessica Addison says the addition of student showcases to workshop meeting agendas came after her and fellow administrators wanted to spotlight the extracurricular activities students are participating in.

Turning the focus to educators, District Teacher Recruiter, Beverly Fort shared that in the 2023-2024 school year so far, they have hired 124 people for certified positions which has helped reduce class sizes.

Looking toward the future, Fort says she will be working on recruiting and making the career section of the CCPS website more accessible.

To conclude the meeting, the board approved the 2024-2025 academic year calendar on second reading where students will be starting school next year on August 26.