Gov. talks strength, bright future in State of the Commonwealth Address

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear gave his State of the Commonwealth Address Wednesday night, where he touted the state’s strength and growth while outlining his wants in his new term as governor.

The governor has often boasted of a surging economy and it was no different during the address, saying thanks to team work on all levels of government, the state of the Commonwealth is stronger than ever.

He’s made no secret that he intends to focus on education in the coming months, pushing for legislators to pass teacher pay wages and universal pre-k, but he also would like to see more money go towards water infrastructure.

The Governor also called for more funding to support the health care and mental health care needs of Kentuckians, along with continuing the fight to help those struggling with addiction.

The Governor also called for more funding to support public safety, including $35 million to provide local law enforcement and first responders with body armor. Beshear says the future is bright in Kentucky, and he hopes everyone moves forward towards it together with kindness in their hearts.

Governor Beshear called for a moment of silent prayer for those serving in armed forces and he recounted the members of the national guard, army and more who’ve died in the last 2 years including those nine soldiers from Fort Campbell who died in the black hawk helicopter crash in March