Annual Bird Count set for New Year’s Day

If you’re out and about Monday and you see some people with binoculars and clipboards, it’s a sure sign that it’s time again for the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count.

That means teams of dedicated bird counters will brave the cold and the wind bright and early on January 1, all in the many of documenting every bird they see during the day. Irene Grace has been a participant in this event for many years, and says it’s all about the science of it—by counting the wild birds, they can determine what species are in decline or increasing.

That information helps us know about the environment and how the world around us is doing. Grace says that start before dawn, looking for owls, and they’ll trek across Christian County all day until the sun sets.

Every mile of Christian County falls into the count, so there will be teams scattered all about counting as many birds as they can see, no matter how small or how many.

Anyone interested in joining and learning more about the United States bird life can visit There you can print out bird lists, view count totals and more. The Little River Audubon Society Christian County Kentucky can be liked on Facebook.