Atmos Energy raises awareness regarding utility scams

Wednesday is the eighth annual Utility Scam Awareness Day and regional energy provider, Atmos Energy announced that they have joined Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS) to raise awareness about common utility scams.

In a news release, Atmos Energy share that they have seen increased reports of their customers being contacted by scammers who pose as utility workers to access their financial information or to receive immediate payment by threatening service disconnection.

Atmos Energy shares that their theme for this year’s Utility Scam Awareness Day campaign is “Screen the Search” in response to the rise of utility impostor scams they have seen through search engines.

Described as “Search Engine Phishing,” Atmos Energy says in this scam method, scammers use search engine optimization tools to place a fake website toward the top of browser search results. The fake website can feature falsified information that makes it appear similarly to the original website.

Atmos Energy Public Affairs Manager, Kay Coomes says the best way for people to combat this scam attempt and others is to be educated regarding their service provider, be cautious anytime a provider calls regarding a bill and beware of impostors demanding payment in person.

Atmos Energy customers who suspect fraud are advised to contact law enforcement and Atmos Energy Customer Service at 888-286-6700.

Graphic courtesy of Atmos Energy