Governor Beshear, democratic candidates make campaign visit to Hopkinsville

Election season is beginning to wind down in Kentucky, but candidates are still out in force—including incumbent Governor Andy Beshear, who made a campaign stop in Hopkinsville Friday afternoon. 

As part of his Go Vote Bus Tour, Beshear was joined by Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman, and the democratic candidates for Attorney General and State Treasurer—Pamela Stevenson and Michael Bowman. Speaking with supporters at Casey Jones Distillery, Beshear says as he’s traveled the state he’s heard from numerous Kentuckians about their worries and where they want to see Kentucky go from here, and he’s ready to get them there.

He says once they win this election, he is not just the Democrat governor, he’s everyone’s governor.

Beshear said his opponent, current Attorney General Daniel Cameron, has been focused on anger and division, but that’s not what Kentucky needs.

He says he’s feeling good heading into the weekend before Election Day, and he says the only numbers that matter are the votes that are cast, so he hopes everyone gets out to vote.

Early voting continues Saturday, before the polls open at 6 a.m. and stay open until 6 p.m. on Election Day. A list of the voting centers can be found on