Holiday Hooplah brings the holiday spirit to Sportsplex

The holiday spirit was in full swing at the Planters’ Bank-Jennie Stuart Health Sportsplex in Hopkinsville Saturday, as all types of vendors filled the space for the Holiday Hooplah.

The craft and vendor fair is the largest of its type the Sportsplex hosts each year, and this year featured some unique items, from leaves cast in metal, to t-shirts stamped with designs where you could watch, to leather workings made of authentic cow-hide and items hand-crafted from wood, there was plenty on hand to admire and purchase.

Rachel Sanders with Parks and Recreation says they had roughly 70 vendors on hand, and they saw a great turnout throughout the day.

She says this type of event is great for showcasing that the Sportsplex is more than just that—it is a venue that the entire community can enjoy and utilize, even if you don’t partake in sports.

There were also food and snack vendors on hand, with food trucks outside. Attendees also got a chance to win door prizes throughout the event, while getting a good start on their holiday shopping.

Photo from Planters’ Bank-Jennie Stuart Health Sportsplex Hopkinsville Facebook page.