Sanctuary, Inc. shares monthly events, plans for service expansion

Members of Sanctuary, Inc. shared the nonprofit’s progression after 40 years of service to the region, what events they have in store for violence abuse awareness month and the community can support their advocacy efforts at Thursday’s Kiwanis Club meeting.

Sanctuary, Inc. is a domestic violence and sexual assault victim advocacy nonprofit that operates in the Pennyrile region. The nonprofit started out as a grassroots organization in 1982 with a 24-hour spousal abuse clinic in Madisonville.

Sanctuary, Inc. Executive Director, Heather Lancaster says they have since expanded the services they provide and are able to be advocates for those who need them in the nine-county region.

The nonprofit’s emergency services include a 24-hour crisis line, short-term emergency shelter, hospital advocacy and case management. Along with their emergency services they provide, transitional housing, counseling, educational services, therapy and most recently sexual assault forensic exams in their on-site examination room.

The Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Room was launched in April and provides a space for sexual assault survivors to receive medical care following a sexual assault.

SAFE Room Coordinator Amanda Sholar says typically sexual assault examinations can be done in hospital emergency rooms which can be chaotic environments that may not have a lot of privacy, so they wanted to establish a SAFE Room outside of a hospital.

Along with their services, Sanctuary, Inc. is hosting events during October, domestic violence awareness month. Until October 31 their will be a Sanctuary, Inc. Bale Trail at Mahr Park, on October 21 the Hoptown Half Marathon and 5k will take over downtown and proceeds will benefit Sanctuary, Inc.

A full calendar of events is available on the Sanctuary, Inc. Facebook page.

With some of the events serving to raising funds for Sanctuary, Inc. Lancaster says the funds will help them provide resources for victims, but they are also planning on launching theirs Friends of Sanctuary capital campaign to develop a new emergency shelter.

More information about Sanctuary, Inc. is available at