CCPS Superintendent talks emergency response, next steps after groundbreaking

The Superintendent of Christian County Public Schools is expressing his gratefulness for local law enforcement following a recent scare at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary and speaking on the next steps for the high school consolidation. 

Speaking with WHOP Monday morning, Superintendent Chris Bentzel says a threat was called in that was believed to be against Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School last week and local law enforcement sprung into action immediately to make sure all students and staff were safe. It ended up being no threat at that school, but there was also a threat made at a Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary in Nashville, and Hopkinsville police are investigating to see if the two are related.

Bentzel says even though there ended up being no emergency situation, it was still treated like one, as you can never be too prepared, and law enforcement certainly didn’t treat it as anything less than serious.

A groundbreaking for the consolidated high school was held this past Friday and Bentzel says from here they’ll give routine updates on the construction progress, and conversations about future student consolidation will get underway.

It’s roughly three weeks until fall break and Bentzel says he hopes it’ll be smooth sailing the rest of the way there, with numerous sports and other competitions well underway and it’s been a strong start to the year.