Benefit bash set to support Hopkinsville Community College students

The Hopkinsville Community College Foundation is hosting their annual gala now known as the Bash at Burdoc Farms on August 17 to raise funds to provide financial support and scholarships for Hopkinsville Community College students.

Foundation President, Lana Bastin spoke about the details of the bash on WHOP. Bastin says all the proceeds they raise will go toward students, especially in the wake of rising tuition prices.

The Bash at Burdoc will feature live music by some of the members of the Harper Brothers band, a Kentucky themed dinner, a bourbon pull and silent and live auctions, and guests are asked to dress in casually elegant or western attire. Bastin shared some of the items that are planned to be auctioned off.

Reservations for the bash are required by August 7. Individual tickets are $75 and a table sponsorship is $750 which seats eight guests. Tickets can be bought by calling 270-707-3731 and for more information go to

The Bash at Burdoc Farms will be on August 17 at 6 p.m. to 8:20 p.m.