West Side School reunion set for August

A reunion is in the works—for those who attended West Side School in Hopkinsville and it is set for August 5.

Two well-known “westsiders” appeared on WHOP Tuesday morning—Christian County Circuit Judge John Atkins and former Judge-Executive Steve Tribble, putting out the invite to the event set to take place at Casey Jones Distillery. Judge Atkins says the festivities will kick off at 4 p.m. and there will be plenty of food and drinks, with live music and dancing.

He says he’s wanted to do an event like this for some time, but it seemed like something always came up or scheduling fell apart. He was driven to make sure it finally happened after he learned that one of his classmates had passed away, and he wanted to be sure everyone got a chance to see and fellowship with each other again.

Tribble says it will be a delight to see their school mates from those days, and they’re hopeful a lot of people come out to Casey Jones.  For more information on the event, contact Judge Atkins or follow the West Side School Reunion event page on Facebook.